Sunday, June 22, 2008

Chapter 3: Caveat Vendor

WE rejoin Our Hero -- gag rule on any "rejoinder" rejoinders... dang! -- as he further contemplates his new life. For one thing, the internets are still owning me, instead of the other way 'round. That should all change next week, though, when I get my green card thingy. Then the tubes shall open, and their vast, interconnected series shall bow to my whim.

But that day is still ahead of us, and its bounty of easily uploaded pictures. For now, you'll just have to content yourselves with a few random pictures taken during my wanderings.

Por ejemplo:

This guy is a fine specimen of the scooter/motorcycle epidemic here. More on that later.

And here, we see an ad for Soju, which literally translates to "the Devil's Tears." It's bottled up and sold to Koreans by the hangover.
When I get off work around 11pm, I come home to a street full of completely trashed 50-something businessmen, many of them unable to contain their... enthusiasm. I learned the term "Street Pizza" on my second day here. All thanks to good ol' Soj.

Here we have an artist's rendering of the complexity of the current political situation, and its ramifications vis-a-vis the President's tenure.

In a country where elevators talk, subway cars have AC, and cellphones have free streaming television, a scene like this is cause for some heavy thinking. Yes, those are tiny, green post-its.

I think this car was trying to sneak up on me.

Shoes. Shoes. Ohmygod! Shoes.

Q: "Can corndogs be made more delicious?" A: "And how!"


That's all for now, folks. Join us next time, when Our Hero:

a) Conquers the TechnoMart, and plunders its cellphone-rich mines.

b) Learns how to say "chicken feet," so as to never, ever, make that mistake again.

c) Maybe even tries to cook something.

- K


Alan said...

This soju intrigues me.

As do the superior Korean corndogs.

soulclimberchick said...

You are Hilarious! And post-its will always be cool. Technology can't beat them.

Anonymous said...

I would totally work for a giant mop.

whereisjulienow said...

Keith! Update!